We at Deft Flux have been using Ruby on Rails for a new web site.  We are developing a web site that will help inspectors of homes and businesses do their jobs better and easier.  The site will automate the communications between the inspection requesters, the inspection managers, and the inspectors and make information transfer reliable. But back to Ruby on Rails.  After using the Ruby language and the Rails framework for a couple of months now, we are in love.  The Ruby language is terse; it is powerful. What else could you ask for?  The Rails framework makes it easy tie your object oriented application into your relational database of choice.  Moreover, Rails automates your database migrations when you upgrade your application so that you don’t accidentally bollix things.

We understand that some commercial languages (e.g. .NET and ColdFusion) and PHP are implementing frameworks like Rails.  We are stoked that Ruby on Rails is amongst the pioneers and that the power of the language makes it a pleasure to use.